Monday, March 28, 2011

Cruise Countdown

My first cruise begins in 6 days and I'm getting so excited.  I've been shopping the Kindle store for some good reads.  Any suggestions?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Fair

I just finished up with the Spring Fair at Holt Arena in Pocatello last night.  It was a fantastic event and we did very well.  Next, I need to get everything together because Brad and I leave on our Miche Bag cruise on Saturday.  This is our first cruise and I'm starting to get a little excited.  I have asked everyone to give me their best cruise tip and I've gotten some really good ones.

Does anyone out there have one for me?

P.S.  My son just gave me his.  He said "Just eat as much as you want and don't fall off the ship!"